FOSCOR "Deu anys vers la foscor" PRO-TAPE -R02- Ver más grande

FOSCOR "Deu anys vers la foscor" PRO-TAPE -R02-

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5 artículos

4,99 € impuestos inc.


Grabación en tape de su concierto aniversario conmemorando los 10 años de la banda! Edición limita a 100 copias ,en cassete profesional y numeradas a mano!.Más de 50 minutos de oscuro black metal! --------------------------------- While we are in the final step towards the 4th FOSCOR album and definitely open a new era... we now proudly announce that Ruptura Records will release next 2013-02-15 a black Pro-Tape edition of the "Deu Anys Vers la Foscor" Live stuff recently released in a limited DVD format to commemorate the band's 10th Anniversary. SIDE A - SENY- I. Groans to the Guilty II. Raids to Punishment ... III. The Smile of the Sad Ones IV. Searching a Seal of Pain ( The Beauty ) V. Melangia SIDE B - RAUXA - VI. El Palau dels Plors VII. Al Cor de la Boscúria VIII. The Other's Voice IX. I Tornà de les Cendres Limited to 100 handumbered copies and with an exclusive T-Shirt design, all composed by Ideophony design Studio, it approaches us to a never used before format, the Tape, which we grew with and learnt what is all about on music.


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FOSCOR "Deu anys vers la foscor" PRO-TAPE -R02-

FOSCOR "Deu anys vers la foscor" PRO-TAPE -R02-